Last modified: 2023-05-05
Evaluation of the VVIP Security System in Cases of Terrorism in Indonesia
Christo Manafe, Prodi Kajian Terorisme, SKSG Universitas Indonesia
Sapto Priyanto, Universitas Indonesia
Terrorism action is targeting Very Very Important Person (VVIP) has occurred several times in Indonesia. It shows that VVIP is one of the targets of terrorist attacks. therefore the evaluation of the VVIP security system is mandatory, in order to protect VVIP and prevent from the possible danger. The human error which become the main concern and dominant factor that may launch a terrorist attack on VVIP.
implement of the rule firmly perhaps it will be giving a lesson to the security officers and confirm not to be repeated by others.
The implementation of the VVIP security system SOP is a must, it must be carried out correctly hence there is no terrorist attacks on VVIP anymore. In routine activity theory, a capable and trained guard system can avoid someone for being a target for crime (terrorism).
Keywords: Evaluation, System, Security, VVIP/VIP