Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The Seventh International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies 2023

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Analysis of the E-Government Assesment Framework on the Magelangkab.co.id Website to Rebuild Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Government in Indonesia
Maulida Rita Widyana

Last modified: 2023-05-05


The government in the post-covid-19 pandemic is faced with being able to reorganize government, especially in electronic-based public policy services. This study aims to analyze the e-government assesment framework on the Magelangkab.co.id website which can encourage national resilience, especially in the development of local governments in Indonesia and assess how good this application is as a public service facility. This research method uses a quantitative approach by making observations and direct observations on the Magelangkab.go.id application. The next stage is to design an assesment rubric that is used in the e-government assesment framework in the form of institutional identity, content, features, community participation, usability, services, social media activities, and security. These variables will be identified according to the weight of each indicator and given an assessment with a Likert scale.

Keywords: covid-19, e-government, e-government assessment