Last modified: 2023-05-05
Complex problems occur in many families whose livelihoods are pond farmers and fishermen, such as low education, low income, and a lack of skills in fishing families in Kampung Nelayan Indah, Medan Labuhan Sub-district, Medan City, North Sumatra. To meet the family's needs, the wives have to work, or those without skills have to accept their husbands' jobs. This study analyses the empowerment in Kampung Nelayan Indah, especially for fishermen's wives. This study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interview techniques and data analysis using interpretive phenomenology. The findings show that the city government has not overcome these conditions, and efforts to empower its people have not run optimally. The problems of fishermen and pond farmers are: 1) erratic family income due to fewer and fewer catches; 2) it is difficult to develop alternative businesses to increase family income; and 3) it is challenging to get assistance from the government, which requires fishermen and pond farmers to have a group and also successfully cultivate. Obstacles in efforts to empower fisherwomen in Kampung Nelayan Indah include 1) the fisherwoman's empowerment program in the regional medium-term development plan (RPJMD) has not been maximized; 2) there is no coordination between related agencies or institutions; 3) lack of community participation; 4) the community is still waiting for the program; 5) the community thinks that these programs are just gifts; 6) heavy dependence on marine natural resources, and 7) inadequate infrastructure facilities.