Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The Seventh International Conference on Strategic and Global Studies 2023

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The Role of Women in Indonesian Terrorism
Dyah Ayu Mahardhika, Sapto Priyanto

Last modified: 2023-05-05


The involvement of women in acts of terrorism in Indonesia has been seen since 2000 which was marked by Munfiatun's involvement as Noordin Muhammad Top's second wife in acts of terrorism at the Marriot Hotel 20 03 and the Australian Embassy in Jakarta in 2004. At this time, women do not act as the main actors but as supporters based on the relationship between husband and wife. Changes in the status of women's roles in acts of terrorism began to be seen since 2016 after the arrest of Dian Yulia Novi as the perpetrator in the pot bomb case in Bekasi.  After the arrest, there was an increase in the involvement of women in acts of terrorism including Fatmawati Mizani and Anggi Indah Kusuma, Siska Nur Azizah and Dita Siska, the last is Zakiah Aini. Social media has succeeded in changing the role of women into perpetrators of terorism actions. The data in this study is secondary data sourced from court decisions and news in the national media during the period 2016 to 2022. Husband and wife relationships are not the main cause of women's involvement in acts of terrorism in Indonesia. Through the theory of the Hypodermic Needle, it was obtained that the media is able to provide information that affects society at large. These theories and concepts are considered appropriate in describing the propaganda of terrorist groups against female terror perpetrators in Indonesia where the media has a major influence inchanging the thinking of the audience, directing the behavior of the audience, shaping attitudes and even initiating the implementation of terror acts.

Keywords: Role, Women, Social Media, Terrorism