UI Conferences

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Balko, Jannikka Lisa Kalani, The University of Queensland, Australia
Balqiah, Tengku Ezni, Universitas Indonesia
Balqiah, Tengku Ezni, University of Indonesia
Balqiah, Teuku Ezni, Universitas Indonesia
Balqis, Ummi Malikal, Program Magister Ilmu Keperawatan, FIK UI
Bambang, Alfredo, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia
Bandini, Galuh Sakti, Faculty of Humanity, University of Indonesia


barista, sonya, Economics


Barley, Vissy Vandiya, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Barus, Ega Rezeki Margaretha, FIB UI
Basalamah, Qonitah, Universitas Nasional
Baskoro, Faiz Agung, Universitas Indonesia
Baskoro, Rahmat Aryo, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia
BASKORO, Tito, <p>Faculty of Economics and Business</p><p>Universitas Indonesia</p>
Basorudin, Muhammad, BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Basri, Mohammad Husen, Universitas Indonesia
Bastanta, Zefri, College student on University of Indonesia
Bastian, Dian Fajarini, Universitas Indonesia and Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Jawa Tengah
Basudewa, Nastiti Dewanti, Nastiti Dewanti Basudewa
Basuki, Bramantya, Independent researcher
Basuki, Irawan Santoso Suryo, Center for Policy Research of Education and Culture, The Board of Research and Development, Ministry of Education and Culture, The Republic of Indonesia
Basya, Fitria Adella, Universitas Indonesia
Bathoro, Alim, FISIP, Universitas Indonesia
Batubara, Yosep Peniel, Univesitas Indonesia

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