Last modified: 2022-11-23
Forest Area with Special Purpose is an area that the government establishes for research and non-research activity. In this research, we analyze Pesanggrahan Forest Area, located in the main southern route of East Java. As a protection and production forest, this area has great potential for environmental degradation if there is no systematic development in planning. The data in this study were taken from the results of interviews and focus group discussions with PT Perhutani, Malang Regency Government, Forestry Service, and local communities. The analysis results show that it is necessary to socialize the importance of conserving protected forests, biodiversity, and ecosystems to the community. Then in an integrated manner, various related parties participate in maintaining protected forests, biodiversity, and ecosystems from multiple disturbances. Participate in enforcing applicable laws and regulations. Building a social buffer zone by creating awareness that the existence of protected forests can provide economic value, maintain the continuity of the hydrological cycle and the flora and fauna that live in it. Then becomes a source of learning and natural capital in developing science and technology for the community through formal and non-formal education. As well as the existence of coastal tourism management institutions and nature lovers from communities around the forest who have the same vision in conservation and can work together.