Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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Utilization of Geospatial Technology in Mangrove Conservation and Blue Carbon Initiative to Support Innovative Funding for the Development of Kota Baru Sofifi, North Maluku
Muhammad Attorik Falensky, Aldy Mardikanto, Muhammad Fadel Aginda, Naomi Zakina

Last modified: 2022-12-02


Mangrove ecosystem play an important role in mitigating climate change by storing carbon in the form of biomass. Indonesia is a country with the largest mangrove forest area in the world, which is around 3.22 million hectares or equivalent to 22.4% of the total global mangrove forest. Mangrove forest is also found in Sofifi, one of the four city included in New City Major Project in Indonesia’s Medium-Term Development Plan 2020-2024. The discussions on acceleration of the city development has prioritized few development activities to be implemented in 2023-2024, one of which is the development of Guraping Mangrove Forest as one of tourist attractions and economic drivers in the city. Due to its very strategic function, it is necessary to evaluate the biomass and carbon stored in the Guraping mangrove forest which not only contributes to the protection of coastal areas, but can also be utilized in the ongoing construction and development of Kota Baru Sofifi in North Maluku with innovative funding through blue carbon initiative. The delineation of mangrove forests in this study was obtained using the Landsat 8 OLI Satellite and SRTM through supervised classification on the Google Earth Engine platform. Meanwhile, the biomass and carbon estimates of mangrove forests are known through NDVI modeling which is then processed using Above Ground Biomass (AGB) and Above Ground Carbon (AGC). The results of the Landsat 8 OLI delineation in 2020 show the area of the Guraping mangrove forest is 145.37 hectares and based on the model used, the total AGB and AGC of the Guraping mangrove forest are estimated to be around 739,738.87 tons and 347,676.82 tons with a range of 2,931.67 tons/hectacre AGC. If converted into total CO2 absorbed, it will be equivalent to 8,769.45 Tons of CO2 whose value in the carbon market is equivalent to US$96,463.95 (Rp.1.5 billion).The potential carbon stock contained in the Guraping mangrove forest can be utilized by the government in seeking innovative funding through blue carbon initiatives to support the development acceleration of Sofifi.