Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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The Dynamics of Tidal Flood Disaster Risk Reduction in the Indonesian Archipelago Coastal Region (Case Studies in Medan, Semarang, Denpasar, Mataram, Samarinda, Manado, and Mimika)
Satria Yudha Adhitama, Diana - Puspitasari, Lucia Sandra Budiman, Azis - Musthofa

Last modified: 2022-12-01


The coastal region in Indonesia have different characteristics. However, almost all of these coastal region are at risk of tidal flood. This study aims to identify the characteristics of coastal region affected by tidal flood in Indonesia as well as the measures taken to reduce the disaster risk. A qualitative approach with explanatory analysis is used in this study. The Island Spatial Planning is used to classify the archipelagic regions in Indonesia. An urban area vulnerable to tidal flood was selected from each archipelagic region. The characteristics of coastal region affected by tidal flood were identified by the tidal flood characteristics, coastal physiography. and socio-economic conditions of the affected areas. The tidal-flood Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategies devised by the government and local communities were discussed. The results showed that tidal flood mostly occurred on the gentle-slope coast. Meanwhile, the measures taken for tidal flood DRR have not been properly implemented. The tidal flood-prone areas identification was only found in some areas. On the other hand, local communities have shown many roles in various non-profit actions related to tidal flood DRR. A stronger commitment to implement tidal flood DRR is needed from the government and related stakeholders.