Last modified: 2022-11-15
The smart city concept is one of the basic principles of developing the Nusantara Capital area. The smart city concept includes six smart dimensions as developed by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia, namely smart governance, smart economy, smart branding, smart society, smart living, and smart environment. The dimension of smart governance needs to be emphasized especially on public services. Smart living is pursued by ensuring health facilities and services, building transportation and logistics and harmonizing a comfortable environment. The smart economy is not intended for industrial development and arrangement because the function of the Nusantara capital city is more suitable for being the center of government. The dimension of the smart economy is more towards improving people's welfare. Meanwhile, smart branding is an effort to increase its role as a symbol of the state in the form of structuring the face of the city as a new tourist destination. The dimension of smart society is more towards building an education system, security and safety and a smart society. Meanwhile, the smart environment in the form of environmental protection and waste management must also be considered for the achievement of sustainable development.