Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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People’s Perception on the Display of Feast Days’ Celebration in Orchard Road and Boulevard of Citraland Gama City, Medan
Nina Novira

Last modified: 2022-12-22


Citraland Gama City provide its Orchard Road and Orchard Boulevard for public access. Its hole-free road, green-shady sidewalk, and many sitting banks attracted people to come whether to do sport, enjoy the ambience or simply to spend time with family or friends. During certain religious and national feast days the management decorate the road and sidewalk according to the feast day celebrated. However, not all recognized religion’s feast day are displayed. The display for a certain religion is accused to be merrier than the national feast. This raised the concern over the jealousy from  the people of religion not displayed and from the people other than the religion displayed the merriest. This study therefore aims to analyse the perception of people coming to Orchard Road and Boulevard in Citraland Gama City Medan concerning the potential of horizontal conflict that could arise due to the uneven festivities of the feast day celebration display.