Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 2nd International Conference of Science and Applied Geography

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Recovery Priority Rate based on Land Condition in Cisangkuy Sub-watershed, Bandung Region
Daniel Singgih Anditya Bagaskara, Andry Rustanto, Kuswantoro Marko

Last modified: 2022-11-15


The Cisangkuy Sub-watershed is one of the sub-watersheds of the upper Citarum watershed located in Bandung Regency. The Cisangkuy Subwatershed is the main buffer to fulfill the water needs of Bandung City and Bandung Regency. However, in general, local communities tend to clear land on the slopes around the Cisangkuy Sub-watershed for agricultural purposes. Although the land clearing is intended to empower the land, it unconsciously increases land criticality and endangers local residents and residents downstream. The purpose of this research is to analyze the condition of land in the Cisangkuy Sub-watershed and determine the priority level of recovery in the Cisangkuy Sub-watershed. This research uses the reference of the determination of watershed recovery criteria by the Ministry of Forestry which is divided into three criteria, namely the Percentage of Critical Land, Percentage of Vegetation Cover, and Erosion Index. Data processing and analysis to mapping using ArcGIS application. The final result of the processing is the distribution of recovery classifications which are divided into two categories, namely 'Maintained Areas' and 'Restored Areas' The results of the study are the Percentage of Critical Land in the Cisangkuy Sub-Watershed of 87.65% is the 'Non-Critical' category so that it is classified as 'Very Low', the Percentage of Vegetation Cover of 63.72% is the 'Vegetation' category, and the Erosion Index shows a value of 0.75 which is classified as low. By using a linear equation, the results show that 49.8% is the 'Maintained Area', while 50.2% is the 'Restored Area'.