UI Conferences

Conference Policies

Peer Review Process

Stage 1: Scientific Committee (SC) conducts a review and assessment for the abstracts submittedby participants. SC will provide assessment results from thesubmitted abstracts and 24 abstracts withthe highest score will be selected. For the 24 selected abstracts, the results ofthe review will also be distributed as inputfor writing an extended abstract/full paper.


Stage 2: All 24 submitted extended abstract/fullpapers will be reassessed by SC to beselected into 12 extended abstract/fullpaper. The 12 extended abstract/full paper willbe invited to be presented at theconference. From the 12 extended abstract/full paper,top three best papers will be selected. One paper will be chosen as the bestpaper, which will be judged from theresults of the full paper assessment andpresentation assessment.


Stage 3: The author requires to improve the paper by accommodating inputfrom the discussants and conference participants. The revised results are collected again for review by SC, intended todetermine which papers can continue the publication process ininternational scientific journals and national journals. The top three best papers will be submitted for publication ininternational journals with the Scopus index, while the rest innational journals with the SINTA index. The author adjusts his paper based on the format and provisions ofthe journal recommended by SC. The journal will review and publish selected paper by followingapplicable regulations.


Archive Access Policy

The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.


International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP)

The Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia proudly presents the 3rdInternational Conference of Intervention and Applied Psychology ICIAP 2018, on October 25th – 26th, 2019 in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. The theme is “Psychology for Synergizing Human, Environment, and Smart Technology”.

This year, we are focusing on how to bring applied psychology into a more policy-relevant contribution. Applied psychologist and practitioners are experiencing increasing pressure to produce practical, as well as politically and socially acceptable, solutions to address complex societal challenges such as poverty reduction, terrorism, and the deteriorating of natural resources. In doing so, researchers must work with a wide variety of stakeholders to produce research that is so-called “policy-relevant”, sustainable and quantifiable. At the same time, an increasingly widespread of societal problems seems to be growing faster than the solutions offered by findings from behavioral sciences in general and applied psychology in particular.

ICIAP is an annual celebration of inspiring ideas and practices in applied psychology.  The event is intended to foster exchange ideas, practices and scientific discussion to address those kind of challenges through showcase findings on individual, group and state interventions. It is also a valuable opportunity for them to collaborate in the future. This world-class event brings together graduate students, academics, researchers, and policy makers from Asian and neighboring countries across the spectrum of applied psychology.