Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference for Global Health (ICGH)

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Khaula Nur Aliya, Astuti Yuni Nursasi

Last modified: 2019-08-29


Introduction: Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis  takes approximately 6 months makes clients vulnerable to be stressed and bored. The aims of this study is to describe the characteristics of Home-based Direct Observer Treatment (DOT-TB) and providing emotional support to clients of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Methodology: The research method applied a descriptive cross-sectional approach with cluster sampling. A total of 96 families were Home-based Direct Observer Treatment of client from 10 health centers in Depok, West Java participated in this study.

Result: 58.3% of Home-Based Treatment Observer have provided emotional support well. Most of them are mostly young adults, female, have secondary education, not working, have an income below IDR 3,782,551 (USD 269,56), and have never had experience in care for clients of pulmonary tuberculosis, but have received information about tuberculosis.

Conclusion: There are more than 40% of families provide emotional support in an inadequate way. This condition needs to be improved by community health nurses so that families have the knowledge and skills to provide emotional support. Thus, they can improve the completeness of treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis.


Keywords: emotional support, community health nurses, pulmonary tuberculosis, Home-Based Treatment Observer