Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Community Participation, Sustainable Development and Slum Settlement in Jakarta
Yoka Pramadi, Praditya Mer Hananto

Last modified: 2019-10-01


One of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) programs being implemented by the Indonesia government is "Sustainable Cities and Communities: make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable". Why it matters? The United Nations (UN) explicate that The cost of poorly planned urbanization can be seen in some of the huge slums, tangled traffic, green house gas emissions and sprawling suburbs all over the world. Slums are a drag on GDP, and lower life expectancy. By choosing to act sustainably we choose to build cities where all citizens live a decent quality of life, and form a part of the city’s productive dynamic, creating shared prosperity and social stability without harming the environment. Jakarta as Indonesia's capital city currently has many slums. But not all settlements are always in a slum condition. In our findings, basically there are 3 kinds of transformation of the slums, namely: (1) Zero to Heroes: settlements that used to be slum and then transformed into good settlement, being tough and staying sustainable even becoming an instagramable; (2) zero is still zero to ash: settlements that are slum and end remain up displaced and disappear; (3) hero to zero: settlements that are not slum then become slums. This transition condition perfectly reverses the resident's ability, government policy, as well as the combination in handling it. This study uses the point of view of criminogenic protection and crisis communication in dissecting existing phenomena.


community participation, sustainable development, slum settlement, inclusive, resilient