Last modified: 2019-09-30
Cibodas village is one of the villages in the south Bandung. This village has natural potential in the form of farming and husbandry that are managed independently by the community. This is a potential that can be developed as tourist attraction. Cibodas village has a Carik land area of 30 hectares which will be developed into agrotourism. This is supported by the education and training center of the ministry of transportation around the land of the Carik. Agro-tourism is community pilot center in integrated environmentally friendly farming and husbandry, recreation and education. The purpose of this study, first to obtain an overview of the potential of Cibodas village, as a location for development of eco-friendly agrotourism. Second, describe the opinions of stakeholders, including the Government, the private sector and the community towards the development of environmentally eco-friendly agrotourism. This study uses descriptive quantitative method, namely assessment (scoring), quantification (weighting) and rangking on each factor assessed. The development of the Agricultural landscape has become an integrated landscape for tourism, planting and livestock activities, and education through ecologically and economically sustainable tourism activities. It can be seen that the potential carik land can be developed into a sustainable agro-tourism area.