Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Assessing Irrigation Performance and Reviewing Guidelines and Criteria for Evaluating Irrigation Area Performance in Indonesia
Latief Mahir Rachman

Last modified: 2019-08-15


The role of irrigation is very important to support agricultural production, especially rice. However, currently there is still a lot of agricultural land, especially rice fields, whose productivity is still low due to various biophysical and socio-economic constraints. One serious obstacle faced is the lack of water or drought during the dry season because of deficiency in rainwater supply or irrigation. The global climate change often causes the process and duration of drought to become more severe. There are many irrigation areas that are less effective in terms of process and performance due to lack of implementation of monitoring and evaluation of irrigation network management in those areas. Irrigation infrastructure that has been built and managed, rarely or very limited is monitored and evaluated for its performance during the operation of irrigation networks. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of three irrigation areas in three provinces and to review the guidelines and criteria used to evaluate the performance of irrigation areas. The guidelines and criteria used to assess irrigation area performance are Guidelines for Irrigation Area Performance Evaluation from the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (GIAPE-PWH) in 2017. The results of evaluations in three provinces have the nearly same total score but differ slightly for the score distribution of their components. The results of GIAPE-PWH review find that the guideline is still not very clear to apply because it contains subjectivity and demanding evaluator interpretation. In addition, the criteria used in the guidelines are still not comprehensive to assess the performance of the irrigation areas. The components related to institutional aspects are still limited, while the components of the environmental and socio-economic aspects have not even been taken into account.


irrigation area; evaluation of irrigation area; irrigation; evaluation criteria; evaluation guidlines