Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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A study of Public Service Facilities’ indoor thermal comfort and its relationship to outdoor temperature based on geographic location in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bayu Andalas, Haryoto Kusnoputranto, Suyud Warno Utomo, Raldi Hendroseputro Koestoer

Last modified: 2019-08-15


An outdoor and indoor thermal comfort survey conducted in Jakarta Metropolitan Area, the region were selected by comprising in 5 administrative metropolitan areas (Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western and Central area). Random Sampling of 367 building occupants/manager from typical public service facilities (3-4 stories) with Naturally Ventilated (NV) buildings selected for the survey. Indoor and outdoor measurements of certain air temperature and other relevant thermal elements were carried out in public service facilities specific region (Northern, Central and Southern). For each selected building, building occupants filled a questionnaire indicating the thermal response in different periods of the day by using the ASHRAE thermal comfort scale standard. Variations of air temperature and the thermal response recorded at local regions. The air temperature variation across the neighborhoods was found to be influenced by different region characteristics. Values of measured minimum outdoor temperatures ranged 24 °C to 28.1 °C and maximum ranged 32°C to 35 °C respectively. The reduction of maximum temperatures from indoor to outdoor recorded at the range of 2.4°C. The variation of temperature across the region and different geographical condition like land elevation was found to affect indoor thermal comfort. It concluded that the urban climate had an impact on the indoor comfort of residents. Mean comfort vote concluded related to indoor and outdoor temperature by linear equations.


Green Building, Thermal Comfort, Public Service, Urban Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development