Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development 2019

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Vegetative Conservation for Landslide Mitigation in Bungaya Sub-district, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province
Handwita Mufidawati, Astrid Damayanti, Supriatna Supriatna

Last modified: 2019-08-15


Landslides disaster that occurred in Indonesia has caused environmental damage and claimed many lives. Bungaya has a high risk of landslide threat and includes areas affected by severe landslides, so landslide mitigation needs to be done. Landslide mitigation is an effort to reduce the risk of landslides, which can be applied by doing soil conservation. This study aims to find out the spatial pattern of vegetative conservation to prevent landslides in Bungaya. To determine landslide potential areas, slope morphology and gradient/angle of the slope variables were used, obtained from BIG in 2018 and processed by the SMORPH Method. Data of vegetative conservation variables obtained by observation and interview. Analysis that is used is an overlay technique on landslide potential areas, land use, and location of landslides. The highest potential of landslides is clustered in the southern part of Bungaya, and moderate to low potential is randomly scattered. The highest potential is in Rannaloe and the lowest in Bissoloro. In Bungaya, several soil conservation techniques have been carried out using the vegetative method, namely crop rotation of paddy and secondary crops. In addition, agroforestry techniques are also carried out, namely mixed gardens and yards by planting annual crops and seasonal crops.


Bungaya Sub-district; Landslides; SMORPH Method; Soil Conservation; Vegetative Method