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Planning Supplies Drugs with ABC Analysis Method Pharmaceutical Unit at Sumatera Eye Center Clinic Jakarta 2016
Last modified: 2016-10-26
Hospital is the organization that involves a lot of complex issues that provide curative services to the community. One of the curative services on the provision of pharmaceutical goods is the saving drugs in order to plan treatment for patients. Pharmacy management in pharmacy unit of the hospital according to PERSI VII Congress 1966 is all efforts and activities undertaken in the pharmaceutical industry as one of supports for the achievement of goals and objectives for the establishment of the hospital. The authors observed in pharmacy unit at Sumatera Eye Center Clinic Jakarta and it was found in observation that inventory planning methods drugs that is not yet implemented. This problem occurs because human resources in the pharmaceutical unit was not planning methods in the inventory needs of the drug and unavailability of information about method in inventory planning requirements when ordering drug.