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Author Guidelines
Abstract Submission Guidelines Submission Process
All abstracts must be submitted online through the Congress official website at Abstracts will only be accepted electronically via the abstract submission portal. Abstracts received by fax or post WILL NOT be accepted.
Abstract Submission Deadline:
All abstracts (Extended) must be submitted on or before September, 26th 2016. The online submission system will be closed at 24:00 hours Midnight (GMT +7) on the closing date. All abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
Submission Guidelines:
- Abstract is the original work of the author(s). Abstract that has been submitted somewhere else will not be accepted. Abstracts previously submitted for publication or submitted, accepted or presented at other neurosurgical and/or medical meetings will not be accepted.
- Abstract can contain a result of primary research, secondary data analyses, review, unique protocol of the study, or a rare and/or difficult case series/single case report.
- Abstract format must include the following items:
- Title: must contain with maximum 20 words.
- Word Count: should be limited to 250 words including subheadings.
- Structure: must include the four subheading
- Introduction – A brief statement on the purpose of the study and the current state of research in the field. Maximum 2 sentences
- Methods – The methods of study must be defined briefly and consist of at least, study design, subject, data collection procedure, and data analyses.
- Results – A summary of the study results, including sufficient details to support the conclusions.
- Conclusion – A statement describing the significance of the work and its implications for further research and/or public health.
- Abstracts must be prepared exclusively in good English and should be thoroughly checked for spelling and grammar.
- Abstract must not contain tables, pictures or diagrams.
- All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use
- Author(s)’s should include name of author(s) and their affiliation(s). Author(s) should be responsible for providing the correct name of the author and co-author(s). name should be based on Las Name and Initials. Example: Agustina R, Wiweko B, and Riyanti A.
- Abstracts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format only.
- The deadline for abstract submission is September, 26th 2016. No abstracts will be accepted after this date.
- References should not be included for abstract submission.
- Please ensure that your e-mail address is accurate at the time of submission. All correspondence will be sent via e-mail to the corresponding author (abstract submitter). Should the corresponding author’s email address change after the submission deadline, please notify the symposium secretariat at to update this information.
- All presenters of selected abstracts are required to register and pay the appropriate registration fees.
- Only presenters of selected abstracts who are fully registered and paid will have their abstracts included in the final program book.
- Abstracts should be proofread prior to submission, as in many cases they are published as submitted.
- Abstract data cannot be altered after the online abstract submission system has closed.
- The name of the author who will present the poster or oral presentation should be underlined.
- The type of presentation (oral or poster) choice selected during the submission process is a request only. The accepted format is at the discretion of the Scientific Program Committee.
- Submitter can submit up to three abstracts.
- Complementary of the abstract:
- All submission must include biographies and photographs in a separate page.
- Biographies are limited to 100 words. The biography should be written using complete sentences and in the 3rd person, please refrain from using bullet points. The biography should contain information relative to your position, career history and professional achievements.