Conference Policies
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- » The 4th APRiSH : “Network Society: Continuity and Change”
Peer Review Process
- All abstract and manuscript prior to the submission deadline will be doubled blind reviewed, the authors will not know who the reviewers are and the reviewers will not know who wrote it. Each abstract and manuscript will be reviewed by two reviewers per topic. The abstract and manuscript will be assessed for suitability according to the following reviewer guideline.
- The review process in managed by the scientific co-chairs who send each abstract and manuscript out to be reviewed by two reviewers. Reviewers look at the argument of the paper and the issues which addresses, did it locate that issue within a wider literature, is it relevant to an international audience and does it refer to its empirical or theoretical base.
- The abstract will either be accepted with no changes, accepted subject to revision as per comments/feedback, or not accepted for presentation. A final decision is made by the final review which was done by the scientific committee. INSC strives to include high-quality research papers and accepts as many high-quality papers as possible.
- The reviewers strive to make their best judgments. As no names are attached to the abstract, it can’t be assumed that an abstract and manuscript will be accepted on the strength of the author’s reputation.
Archive Access Policy
The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.
The 4th APRiSH : “Network Society: Continuity and Change”
The Asia-Pacific Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (APRiSH) is aiming for getting new ideas, design, and model from many social-sciences scholars through their papers. It is The 3-days conference has been conducted since 2016 and organized by different faculty every year. Faculty of Psychology was the first organizer, Faculty of Art and Humanities was the second-host. In the 2019, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences will be the host of 4th APRiSH.
The APRiSH will be followed into seven major of social-sciences; Economic and Business, Social and Political Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Psychology, Law and Justice, and Administrative Sciences. Graduate, Post-graduate Students, academicians, and public-professional participants are able to join the conference.

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