The Sakala Resort Hotel, Bali
September 15, 2018 – September 16, 2018
I am proud that the International Workshop on Dental Research (IWDR) 2018 continues the success of IWDR 2016 and 2017 held before the Health Sciences and IMERI and the University of Indonesia. This year IWDR was held again with two other scientific events, which are the 3rd ICGH and the First International Seminar on Clinical and Dental Research (ISCaRD). The event will be held at Sakala Resort Hotel, Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua Penninsula, Bali, Indonesia on 15-16 September 2018.
Articles selected from those presented at the conference will be published in some Scopus Journals-indexes that have collaborated with the Scientific Committee.
Articles selected from those presented at the conference will be published in some Scopus Journals-indexes that have collaborated with the Scientific Committee.

Organized by Fiscal Policy Agency - Ministry of Finance and Center of Islamic Economics and Business (PEBS) FEB UI