Presentations and Authors
03. Disintegration from within? Marginal Groups and the failure of Indonesia as a Common Project
When Anderson meets Samin: The Common Project and Its Fragments | |
Amrih Widodo |
Reaching up to The Sky: A Grassroots Approach for Integrating Minority Groups in Yogyakarta and Bandung | |
Meike Lusye Karolus, Firdhan Aria Wijaya |
08. The Dynamic of the Interaction between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System
Traditional Knowledge on Health and Fulfillment of Reproduction Health Rights of Bawean Women | |
Pinky Saptandari Wisjnubroto |
10. Structuring Diversity: Values, Political-Economic Order and Inter-Societal Relations in an Indonesian Archipelago
Take Care of Promoting Diversity in the City of Jakarta | |
Lamtiur Hasianna Tampubolon, Murniati Agustian, Tri Warmiyati |
13. Collective Violence, Peace Building and Reconciliation: Anthropological Perspectives
Communal Violence as A Strategy of Local Communities to Resist the Extractive Mining Operation in Morowali Central Sulawesi | |
Bambang - Hudayana, Suharko - Suharko, Andreas Budi Widyanta |
14. Rethinking the Politics of Difference in Indonesia: Ethnicity, Religion, Class Relations
Disintegration from Within and Open Indonesian Identity | |
Sugeng Bayu Wahyono |
15. Host, Guest and Stranger: Exoticization and Exploitation at Tourism Indonesian Practice
Pemaknaan Motif Tenun Ikat Sikka di Mata Penenun Muda | |
Meinar Sapto Wulan |
Lingko Lodok Tourism Development in Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara: Blessing or Curse | |
Hardian Eko Nurseto, Dede Tresna Wiyanti, Budhi Gunawan |
Originality Revisited: Rumah Adat and Tourism Development by The State | |
Mochammad Arief Wicaksono |
Dieng Culture Festival: Repackaging Local Traditions to Strengthen Tourism Image Destinations | |
Destha Titi Raharjana, Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Djoko Wijono, H. Adji Kusworo |
17. Oral Tradition in the Discourse of Ethnic, Race, and Religion Diversity
Keboan Aliyan Festival: Commodification of Rituals as Tourism Attraction | |
Linda Astri Dwi Wulandari |
19. Beyond Disciplinary Diversity and Debates in Parallel Universes: Anthropology and Political Science in Conversation
A Multistage Strategy for Integrating Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods | |
Mark Woodward |
Organized by Fiscal Policy Agency - Ministry of Finance and Center of Islamic Economics and Business (PEBS) FEB UI