Presentations and Authors
03. Disintegration from within? Marginal Groups and the failure of Indonesia as a Common Project
Marginalization of the Indonesia Millah Abraham Movement | |
Abdul Rahman |
Analysis of Factors Causing Poverty in Fishing Community in Pajala Village, Maginti Sub-District, West Muna Regency | |
Akhmad Marhadi, Arman Arman, Samsul Samsul, Raemon Raemon |
04. Role of Digital Ethnography in Indonesian Online Society
"Part of the Spectacle" Political Buzzers and the Performing of Digital Propaganda | |
Pradipa P. Rasidi |
05. Dependence and Displacement
Segregation and Strategy of the Bugis-Makassar Community Relationship in Ambon | |
Rudolf Rahabeath |
06. The Use and Abuse of Drinking Culture
Beverage of the Spirits | |
Santi Dwiningsih, Tety Rachmawati |
09. Anthropology and The Recentralization of Natural Resource Policies
Political Transaction of Village Government on Facing The Environment Regulation: Case of Colo and Ternadi bureaucrats in response to IPHPS Program | |
R I Sihombing, Hafiz Awlia Ramadhan |
10. Structuring Diversity: Values, Political-Economic Order and Inter-Societal Relations in an Indonesian Archipelago
Assimilating stranger, exemplifying value: the realization of ideal cultural representation and upland-lowland relationship in North Seram, Eastern Indonesia | |
Geger Riyanto |
11. The State of Anthropology of Indonesian Education: Critical Reflections on Theories and Methods
State education and the funnel effect: Changing dynamics in gamelan music learning | |
Roberto Rizzo |
12. Methodological Dilemma on Studying Diversity
Little Nimble Hands among Tobacco Green: On the Dilemma over Researching Children Who “Work” | |
Amrina Rosyada |
13. Collective Violence, Peace Building and Reconciliation: Anthropological Perspectives
Marginalizing the Papuans, Harvesting Storm of the Nation’s Disintegration | |
Frans Rumbrawer |
15. Host, Guest and Stranger: Exoticization and Exploitation at Tourism Indonesian Practice
This is us: Toward Tourism Imaginaries Construction in Siak and Singkawang | |
Syarifah Ratnawati, Ayu Putri Dewanti |
Dieng Culture Festival: Repackaging Local Traditions to Strengthen Tourism Image Destinations | |
Destha Titi Raharjana, Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Djoko Wijono, H. Adji Kusworo |
20. Governmental Practices in Indonesia: Non-Calculative Modality, State Power, and the (Im)Possibility of Politics
“They Call It a Revolution”: Affect in Reproductive Governance and Health Politics in Indonesia | |
Sari Damar Ratri |
The Conspicuous Face of Punishment: Spectatorship as a Mode of Governance in the Context of Public Caning in Aceh, Indonesia | |
Febi R. Ramadhan |
Organized by Fiscal Policy Agency - Ministry of Finance and Center of Islamic Economics and Business (PEBS) FEB UI