UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

04. Role of Digital Ethnography in Indonesian Online Society

Push Rank and Keyboard Warrior: Violence, Luddism, and Free-Labour of Contemporary Indonesian Gaming Culture
Irfan Nugraha, Febrian Febrian

05. Dependence and Displacement

Become Kulisusu People: Identity Construction and Transformation of Kulisusu People from XVII to XXI Century.
Nurlin Nurlin

06. The Use and Abuse of Drinking Culture

Alcohol Lifestyle as Anti Structural Manifestation in the Sentani Papua Community
Monica Maria Nauw

07. Moral Politics of Nationhood: Examining The Politics of Diversity and The Management of Unity

Reframing and demonizing: moral politics of the powerless
Anton Novenanto
Religious Freedom and The Restriction to Imply Religious Freedom
Yossa A.P Nainggolan
Clash within ‘civilization’: Understanding politic of diversity in Indonesia by tracing genealogy of an epistemic community.
Tri Nugroho

08. The Dynamic of the Interaction between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System

An Ethnographic Study on Maternal & Newborn Health in Dayak Siang-Murung Community: Skilled Midwives’ Working Spirit of ‘Tira Tangka Balang’ and their Collaboration with Traditional Midwives
Rachmalina Soerachman Prasodjo, Setia Pranata, Syarifah Nuraini, M.Gulllit Agung W., Salahudin Muhidin
The sando pea: between tradition and health challenge among Kaluppini indigenous people
Nurbaya Nurbaya
Heritage, Training, Self-Taught (Study of Herbal Medicine Maker Based on The Type of Recipe Herb in Bangkalan Regency, Madura)
Satriyati Satriyati Nana

11. The State of Anthropology of Indonesian Education: Critical Reflections on Theories and Methods

Decentralized Education in Indonesia: Spark of Hope from an Innovative District
Risa Wardatun Nihayah

14. Rethinking the Politics of Difference in Indonesia: Ethnicity, Religion, Class Relations

In Fear of Purification in Representational Sense: Reshaping Political Preferences in Young Chinese Indonesians post-Ahok Era
Irfan Nugraha, Ignatia Dyahapsari

15. Host, Guest and Stranger: Exoticization and Exploitation at Tourism Indonesian Practice

Lingko Lodok Tourism Development in Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara: Blessing or Curse
Hardian Eko Nurseto, Dede Tresna Wiyanti, Budhi Gunawan

17. Oral Tradition in the Discourse of Ethnic, Race, and Religion Diversity

Oral Tradition: The Samin People's Moral Dilemma on Wayang Arts Performance
Mikka Wildha Nurrochsyam

19. Beyond Disciplinary Diversity and Debates in Parallel Universes: Anthropology and Political Science in Conversation

Comprehending Intolerance: Reflections on the ‘Uncomfortable’ Research Subjects
Ibnu Nadzir

Organized by Fiscal Policy Agency - Ministry of Finance and Center of Islamic Economics and Business (PEBS) FEB UI
