UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

01. Dealing With Diversity in (Digital) Urban Contexts: From Concepts to Engagement

LISMA: Forming Political Bonds Through Social Media Among Muslim Women in Yogyakarta
Ach. Fatayillah Mursyidi

03. Disintegration from within? Marginal Groups and the failure of Indonesia as a Common Project

Revisiting the New Policy on Kepercayaan for Social Inclusion
Samsul Maarif
Analysis of Factors Causing Poverty in Fishing Community in Pajala Village, Maginti Sub-District, West Muna Regency
Akhmad Marhadi, Arman Arman, Samsul Samsul, Raemon Raemon

08. The Dynamic of the Interaction between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System

An Ethnographic Study on Maternal & Newborn Health in Dayak Siang-Murung Community: Skilled Midwives’ Working Spirit of ‘Tira Tangka Balang’ and their Collaboration with Traditional Midwives
Rachmalina Soerachman Prasodjo, Setia Pranata, Syarifah Nuraini, M.Gulllit Agung W., Salahudin Muhidin
Three Spirit Permeates the Balian
Sri Murni
Dukuns and Doctors: Finding Ways of Working Together
David Peter Mitchell

12. Methodological Dilemma on Studying Diversity

Research without Doubts: Doing Research in Welfare States
Inda Marlina

13. Collective Violence, Peace Building and Reconciliation: Anthropological Perspectives

Changing Times and Changing Patterns of Collective Violence in
Istutiah Gunawan Mitchell

17. Oral Tradition in the Discourse of Ethnic, Race, and Religion Diversity

Madihin, Preservation of the Local Traditional and Politics
Mujizah Abdillah Mujizah
Narrative about Jew
Sri Murni
The Influence of Local Community in Segeri on the Ritual of Bissu
Muhammad Muflih Mappaujung

18. On The Making of Commodities Under Category: Resource Exploitation

Tracking the Politics of Knowledge in Indonesian Rice Production
Yuhan Farah Maulida

20. Governmental Practices in Indonesia: Non-Calculative Modality, State Power, and the (Im)Possibility of Politics

Islamic difference and public recognition in the bureaucratic era
Julian Patrick Millie

21. Youth, Social Life and the Use and Abuse of Chemicals

“Is It Necessary to Take Postinor Too?”: The Use of Postinor-2 by Indonesian Youths and The Imagination of Efficacious Contraceptive Method
Annisa Dinda Mawarni

Organized by Fiscal Policy Agency - Ministry of Finance and Center of Islamic Economics and Business (PEBS) FEB UI
