Indonesia International Graduate Conference on Communication (IndoIGCC) 2018
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indone
July 11, 2018 – July 12, 2018
The Indonesia International Graduate Conference on Communication (IndoIGCC) isan event that brings together graduate students and early career researchers instudying media and communication issues regarding broader social and politicaltransformations. IndoIGCC is hosted by the Department of Communication, Facultyof Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. IndoIGCC 2018 participantscome from different academic disciplines such as media studies, communicationscience, international relations, political science, sociology, cultural studies,anthropology, psychology, economics, architecture, and many others.

Conference Information
Organized by Fiscal Policy Agency - Ministry of Finance and Center of Islamic Economics and Business (PEBS) FEB UI