Presentations and Authors
03. Disintegration from within? Marginal Groups and the failure of Indonesia as a Common Project
A Nation in Contradiction? | |
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo |
Katobengke: The Dynamic Processes of Negotiation and Reassertion of a Marginalized Group in Buton | |
Tasrifin Tahara |
06. The Use and Abuse of Drinking Culture
Tradition of Drinking Arak | |
Taqyuddin Taqyuddin Taqyuddin |
07. Moral Politics of Nationhood: Examining The Politics of Diversity and The Management of Unity
Traveling with Kebaya | |
Nita Trismaya |
10. Structuring Diversity: Values, Political-Economic Order and Inter-Societal Relations in an Indonesian Archipelago
Take Care of Promoting Diversity in the City of Jakarta | |
Lamtiur Hasianna Tampubolon, Murniati Agustian, Tri Warmiyati |
11. The State of Anthropology of Indonesian Education: Critical Reflections on Theories and Methods
Learning (to use) the languages of being youth and becoming adults: Reflections on research in vocational high schools in Central Java | |
Kristian Tamtomo |
What Education Means to Us? The Perspective of Underdeveloped Region Community in the Context of Formal Education in Jeneponto Regency, Indonesia | |
Fatjri Nur Tajuddin |
13. Collective Violence, Peace Building and Reconciliation: Anthropological Perspectives
Familial Terrorism: An Analysis on Familial Suicide Bombings in Surabaya 2018 | |
Al Chaidar Abdurrahman Puteh, Dedy Tabrani, Herdi Sahrasad |
18. On The Making of Commodities Under Category: Resource Exploitation
The Cultural Landscape of Copra Commodity | |
Ode Zulkarnain Sahji Tihurua |
20. Governmental Practices in Indonesia: Non-Calculative Modality, State Power, and the (Im)Possibility of Politics
Dog Care Knowledges and Practices in Bali, Indonesia | |
Ann Marie Thornburg |
21. Youth, Social Life and the Use and Abuse of Chemicals
Totality in Cosplaying | |
Riska Tahir |