UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

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Mobility Challenges of a Border Population in the Celebes Sea

Perempuan Pendeta di Laut Sulawesi: Sebuah Eksplorasi dalam Pelayanan Kristen di Area Kepulauan
Lidya Kandowangko

New Developmentalism in Indonesia: Where is the Marginal?

Health Challenges and Threats for Hunter and Gatherer
Kristiawan Kristiawam

Experiencing Crises and Life Itself: Knowledge, Metaphors, and Actions in the Multiplicity of Crises

Value and vulnerability in vernacular discourses of livelihoods in crisis
Timo Kaartinen

Oral Tradition Responding to Multicrises

Meme and Pandemic Covid 19 On Stereotypes Perspectives
Daniel Kurniawan
Oral Tradition Rites amid the Tourism Industry and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Study of cultural ceremonies in Dieng, Lombok, and Sumba
Nindyo Budi Kumoro

Coastal and Marine Grabbing in Indonesia and Beyond

Marine, Coastal and Small Islands Agrarian Reform Movement as Policy Innovation for Conflict Resolution in Coastal Areas and Small Islands
Ari Wibowo, Pande Made Kutanegara, Agustinus Subarsono

Addressing Gender Inequalities and Social Exclusion Problems through Approaches of GEDSI

Moving the House into the Forest: Gender Relations in Agroforestry Management in Cijambu Village, Sumedang, East Side of the Manglayang Mountains
Salma Rizkya Kinasih, Budiawati Supangkat Iskandar, Johan Iskandar

Agrarian Aspects of the Pealand, a Challenge to the Agrarian System in Indonesia

Agrarian Structure Change and Rural Communities Resilience Around the Peatland Conservation Area in Central Mahakam, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Bayu Eka Yulian, Toni Nurhadi Kumayza, Saparwadi Saparwadi

Cultural Resilience and ke-Indonesiaan in the Border Communities

Strengthening the Cultural Resilience of Border Crossing Communities in Talaud Regency
heny pratiknjo, neni kumayas
Ratumbanua as a strategic institution in cultural resilience and Indonesian identity in the Talaud border area
stefanus sampe, Neni Kumayas

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