International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016
Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel, Bali, Indonesia
October 20, 2016 – October 21, 2016
The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Indonesia invites academics, researchers, policy analysts, government analysts, and activists to the first International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016, to participate in the discourse on the interrelations between knowledge and social transformation.
How has research in social and political sciences affect social transformation in the developing world?
What has been the barriers to knowledge production and its contribution to social transformation?
Selected papers will be reviewed and maybe published in a special issue of Asian Politics & Policy journal, or Knowledge-E Social Sciences Conference Proceedings.
Participants in the conference can join in one of the categories of topics and sub-topics as follows.
Topics and Subtopics
1. Research, Technology, and Social Transformation
- The role of research and technology in developed and developing economies
- Research, education, and knowledge economy
- Social exclusion in social research
- Research and knowledge in urban development
2. Governance, Welfare, and Social Development
- Development discourse, participation, and representation
- Social policy, economy, and democracy
- Knowledge sector governance and public policy decisions
- Knowledge, creative industry, and national branding
3. Ideas, Norms, and Culture in Social Transformation
- Family and parenting knowledge
- Human rights, justice, and equality
- Linguistics, oral tradition, and folklore in changing societies
- Indigenous knowledge
4. Knowledge and Gender Equality
- Social research in gender studies
- Gender equality in democracy and local development
- Women, human rights, and violence
- Women migrant workers’ protection and advocacy
5. Global Challenges and Social Transformation
- Climate change, environtment degradation, and social change
- Democratization and armed conflict management
- Free trade, globalization, and social transformation
- Substance abuse and new forms of addiction
- Ageing society, productivity and policy
6. Capital, Civil Society, and Social Transformation
- The new social structure in the global crisis
- The role of private sector and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in social transformation
- Civil society and social transformation
- Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and social transformation
7. Media, Knowledge and Social Transformation
- Social media and democracy
- Digital media and social change
- Media literacy, citizenship, and awareness
- Media openness and degree of control

Conference Information