Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 7th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Keboan Aliyan Festival: Commodification of Rituals as Tourism Attraction
Linda Astri Dwi Wulandari

Building: Soegondo Building
Room: 522
Date: 2019-07-25 08:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Last modified: 2019-06-21


In the last ten years, the government strategy in commodification  rituals into festivals has exciting the tourism market. One of the most spectacular festival packages in Indonesia is Banyuwangi Festival which summarizes more than 70 festivals each year. From 70 festivals, the Keboan Aliyan Festival has its own attractiveness. This festival presents a traditional ritual of an agrarian society that still addresses the balance of nature. The ritual held as a symbol of gratitude for nature and its ancestors for blessing harvest. This article will explain the dynamics of ritual managemenst that occur in the society of Desa Aliyan. Using an oral tradition study, this article shows that the society of Desa Aliyan has a can make a great negotiation process with the government in an effort to preserve their traditions so that ritual can be commodified into festival without reducing the values ​​and meanings that are inside. They have a good transmission process in order to keep their tradition alive.


Keywords: ritual, commodification, oral tradition