Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 7th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Disturbed by Ghosts: Behind the Explanations and Narratives on One’s Continual Encounter with Supernatural Beings
Ratna Fabrian

Building: Soegondo Building
Room: 707
Date: 2019-07-23 01:30 PM – 03:00 PM
Last modified: 2019-06-18


In Jakarta, stories of people experiencing ghosts are not uncommon nor peculiar. A number of people have recounted their experiences seeing a ghost on one occasion. Some even claim they constantly see and sense ghosts, while a few also assert they are often disturbed by ghosts. Seeing ghosts in eerie places is thought to be normal and expected. Having the ability to know and feel the existence of ghosts is a gift, a given sixth sense. Meanwhile, being disturbed repeatedly by ghosts is regarded as a bad luck, or as one possible consequence of having a sixth sense. Those who are repeatedly disturbed by supernatural beings share their responses on their supernatural experiences that vary from a person to another. They narrate their paranormal incidents as a spooky encounter, a thrilling event, or an ordinary occurence. Furthermore, they believe their sensitivity to supernatural beings is either a heredity from their forefathers or a curse from other persons who detest them. Therefore, their methods to prevent further supernatural disturbances also vary depending on their interpretation. However, there is a similarity in their stories; they have endured significant painful experiences before becoming susceptible to ghost disturbances. This paper retells the narratives on ghost disturbances of four individuals from different backgrounds and statuses who live in Jakarta. It focuses on their life histories as well as their emic belief on supernatural beings. From their narratives, it is evident that their intriguing ghost stories are essentially a sign of something more than a mere supernatural phenomenon.


Keywords: supernatural experiences, painful experiences