Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 7th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Politics of Difference: Ethnicity and Social Class Within the Indonesian Middle Class in Digital Era
Thung Ju Lan

Building: Soegondo Building
Room: 524
Date: 2019-07-23 03:30 PM – 05:00 PM
Last modified: 2019-06-18


Today the issue of ethnicity is considered “weaker” compared to religious issues, particularly after the 2017 Jakarta Governor election which was followed by the emergence of the so-called 212 movement. Nevertheless the fact shows that it’s as strong as ever in several “regional” context in terms of Javanese versus non-Javanese, or native (local son) versus migrants. The issue of socio-economic gap between groups and regions is complicated by digital divide between those with access to social media and those without. Information and opinion are mostly constructed by surveys conducted among those with access to internet or social media. As such group differences are not marked by poverty per se like the era of 1980s and 1990s. Politics of difference has been dictated by new type of communication which Christian Fuchs (2013) refer to as the connection between the commons, communism and communication. In this paper I would like to discuss this topic within the context of the changing Indonesian middle class, which according to Christian Fuchs is the well-educated and active group in the service sector, and the carrier and social base of new social movement (NSMs) in the symbolic and social production.