Universitas Indonesia Conferences, 7th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Who Govern The Grave: The Contestation Between Government and Local Communities in Managing Religious Tourism Places
Aria Atyanto Satwiko

Building: Soegondo Building
Room: 524
Date: 2019-07-25 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Last modified: 2019-06-18


This paper wants to see how conflicts regarding the management of a religious tourist place between the community and the government can occur. When we talk about religious tourism, we cannot let go of the culture of the Javanese people who glorify people who in their lifetime are considered to be credited with the interests of the public by visiting the burial site. Not infrequently, the site is not the actual location of the tomb, it can also be in the form of petilasan (temporary resting place). Local people as funeral administrators also often benefit from the existence of pilgrimage activities like this, because they can open a side business such as food stall services, motorcycle taxi services to deliver pilgrims, or as a source of village income. Meanwhile, the local government feels that it has more power in managing this tourism activity and overrides the existence of the community around the tourist sites. The data that I use in this paper comes from the research that I did during June 2018 regarding the life of the farming community at the foot of Mount Muria.