Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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The Impact of Covid 19 on Religious Rituals among Native Communities
Novel Lyndon, Mohd Nor Shahizan Ali

Last modified: 2022-06-06


Religious rituals typically involve social interaction, intimacy and ritual structure. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on religious ritual rites that include sacred rites, substantive or constitutive religious rituals and factitive rituals. This is because Covid-19 has caused native communities to have to reorganize their religious rituals with new norms based on the concept of physical distancing despite the fact that these acts are considered religious deviant. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to examine the new norms implemented in religious rituals and the impact of the new norms on the structure of religious rituals. A total of 30 Penans were interviewed in depth and through focused discussions. The majority of them still practice the traditional religion inherited from their ancestors. This study was conducted in Belaga District, Sarawak. The results of the study found that the new norms that had to be done consisted of physical imprisonment, reduction of ritual activities, shortening of mantra recitation, restrictions on the use of space and limitations in the communion of sacred ceremonies. Next, the impact of the new norm on the structure of religious rituals encompasses a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions or objects based on a pre-determined sequence by the religion and culture of the native community itself. The conclusion of the study is that Covid 19 has had an impact on the religious rituals of the native community but has not been able to reduce the bond of trust between community members.

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