Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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The Adaptation of Children’s Disaster Education Methods in Japan for Children in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra
Mukhlis Arifin

Last modified: 2022-06-07


Disaster preparedness has been discussed amid the frequency of multiple disasters globally that have occurred in the last decade. The triple disaster in Fukushima that occurred in March 2011 already shows us how severe the damage when disaster came consecutively. Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction marks the awareness that there is the possibility that disaster can cooperate and increase the destructive power to the society's livelihood. Scholar has given a warning about the threat that potentially occur because of human action and the global condition of the earth. This warning needs an immediate response, especially in giving the children proper knowledge about the disaster. As a vulnerable group, children need a model of understanding to survive during a disaster. Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia, is a small town with multiple disaster probabilities: flood, landslide, earthquake, and volcano eruption. This paper will analyze how Japan, as a country prone to disasters, provides education to children from an early age to prepare themselves for disasters. This method later will be recomposed to match children's behavior in Bukittinggi. This paper will be using the qualitative method. The data will be collected by interviewing the children in Bukittinggi and literature studies to understand disaster preparedness education in Japan. Seeing the condition of Indonesia, which is experiencing a demographic bonus, disaster preparedness education is a crucial thing that needs to be built and developed in Indonesia, especially in Bukittinggi, West Sumatra.



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