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Capitalocene: Dependence on Plastics in Fast-Moving Consumer Goods as Adaptation, Rational Choice, and the Power of Capitalism
Last modified: 2022-06-06
This study discusses the cheapening that occurs in the capitalocene through infrastructure, structures, and superstructures, especially regarding FMCG plastic waste in the BSI Blok H Housing. The method used uses participant observation and in-depth interviews involving the head of the RT, housewives, first residents in the neighborhood. In this case, employees of UPS Duren Seribu, employees of plastic recycling factories, plastic shops, scavengers, collectors, and several FMCG companies as actors who play a role in organizing community plastic at the Bumi Sawangan Indah Housing 2. Cheapening that destroys nature and continues to be supported by capitalism and the bourgeoisie creates entanglement between many stakeholders, between the many atoms that make up plastic itself, thoughts about waste and plastic waste, and the value of plastic as an object that often changes psychologically to support the process of production, consumption, disposal, retrieval, and destruction. The conclusion is that the present era where there is a lot of damage to nature, including the threat of plastic pollution and its misuse, is not called the Anthropocene where humans are considered to have great power and abuse nature. Here the fault lies not in the species (humans), but in the system (capitalism). So that the misuse of plastic as a cheap and durable material is caused by capitalism.
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