Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Plastic waste burning: Politics of responsibility and the moral economy of plastic waste in peri-urban Jakarta
Diana Teresa Pakasi

Last modified: 2022-06-06


Anthropological studies have shown that the way the plastic waste is managed at the local is much more complicated and varied than the environmentalist framework of global and national plastic governance. Yet, more research is needed to understand how the plastic waste is managed and open burnings are practiced by communities. This is particularly important in the context of decentralized Indonesia where the responsibility of waste management is mainly transferred to the local level. The plastic waste management and open burning practices are embedded social, political, and economic relations at the local level. Drawing on the concepts of politics of responsibility and the moral economy of plastic waste, this article tries to capture different ways of managing plastic waste done by communities. I argue that the community responses in managing plastic waste are mobilized by the moral notion of good citizens and economic values of plastic waste in the context of the transfer of responsibility of the decentralization policy. This article is based on an ethnographic study in three communities in the peri urban areas of Jakarta.

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