Last modified: 2022-06-07
This research is aimed to discuss schooling culture in the light of cultural resistance perspective. The trending development of Integrated Islamic School (IIS) since early 1990s brought a specific curriculum ambience as an alternative for Indonesian Muslims to select for their children, especially those who live in urban area. Tarbiyah community that started in campuses at 1980s and initiated IIS recognized that the curriculum of national education not satifying for them. They managed to include the tarbiyah curriculum through many ways implisitly and demonstrate how their hidden curriculum creating new way of life.
This research conducted in Nurul FIkri Integrated Islamic School Depok. The data for this research was collected by participant observation, indepth interview, and literature studies. This study reveals that IIS curriculum is form of active cultural resistance and acting as a platform of performing ballance life that incoorporating piety, nationalism, and modern science.References
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