Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Coronavirus and Religious Crisis Management: A Brief Religious Reflection of the Protestant Church of Maluku (GPM)
Steve Gerardo Christoffel Gaspersz, Nancy Novitra Souisa

Last modified: 2022-06-07


This article is a sort of initial religious reflection that attempts to detect some transformative religious rituals and strategies in facing the pandemic of coronavirus since the early months of 2020 until today in Maluku. Based on early observation, it aims to map theological disputes, church policies concerning to the uncertainty pandemic, and in facing social changes around urban congregations of the Protestant Church of Maluku (Gereja Protestan Maluku – GPM). The church is facing a new challenge that cannot be handled alone by its theological perspective and trivial ecclesial programs, while at the same time it should be followed strictly health protocols launched by the national government of Indonesia. As a brief observation, this article functions as an entry point to explore more and more the socio-cultural and religious impacts of the pandemic toward the GPM, its crisis management system and the life of church members in Maluku responding the dialectics of context between the real condition of the pandemic and the reinterpretation of theological basis entering new socio-cultural context both locally and globally.

Keywords: religious interpretation, social transformation, pandemic


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