Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Satriyati Satriyati Nana

Last modified: 2022-06-07



Modernization is included in all aspects of human  life, including health and medicine.  During the Pandemic Covid-19  in 2020 until now, not all people can reach medical treatment  due to  limited facilities and finances.   This is  because they choose local wisdom for health and treatment. Madura people choose the  tradition of concocting and drinking herbs.  In addition to health conservation,  disease recurrence as well as the conservation of spice plants.  This article  follows the  oral tradition of  people choosing herbal medicine over medical treatment. Research uses qualitative ethnographic methods with data collection techniques: observation and interviewing. The results of the study are documentation of the characteristics of the culture of concocting and drinking Madura Herbal Medicine  which is growing rapidly in the community.  The analysis uses the perspective of James C. Young's health anthropology, namely data collection, data reduction, and descriptive presentation of data. This research shows that more people are choosing to concoct and drink herbs as  a  method of maintaining health and healing. It  has a variety of reasons, such as  cheap prices, easy to get, not ready for the risk of medical treatment, disappointed medical treatment, believe the disease is personal and preservation of spice plants.


Keywords : Oral Tradition, Herbal Medicine, Health, Madura, Spices,  Pandemic Covid-19


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