Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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The Function Of Local Cultrural Resilience In Facing Multicrisis(Study On The Tountemboan Tribe In Minahasa Regancy District)
Trilke Erita Tulung

Last modified: 2022-06-06


The development of the era that requires everyone to accept openness both in terms of politics, social and economy has resulted in various kinds of crises (multicrisis), crises cause serious consequences for the survival of a person or group. Changes that occur so quickly and even without realizing it have changed the way of a person’s or group’s views. This study aims to analyze the function of the local cultural resilience that exists in the Tountemboan Tribe in the face of the ongoing multicrisis. The research method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive type of research. In collecting primary data, it was done by observation, in-depth interviews with community informants, community leaders and the government and to obtain secondary data, it was done by taking documentation and literature related to cultural resilience in the face of multiple crises.
Minahasa Regency has a variety of tribes and cultures, but the largest is the Tountemboan tribe, the Tountemboan tribe itself has various customs and cultures, some of which are still held today, the existence of this culture has begun to be eroded by various changes such as technology, information, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic erodes culture even more. Cultural preservation by the government has not shown positive results and awareness of the function of culture is not a priority for the community and government. The function of local culture in dealing with crises should be a good strategy to deal with crises, Minahasa culture such as mapalus, social activities in various events as well as regional languages ​​and local arts should be able to ward off negative changes caused by various kinds of crises. the message it contains. Synergy between the elements of society and the government is the key in developing and utilizing the local culture of the Tountemboan tribe. This study recommends to the local government, especially the Minahasa regency, a policy model to strengthen culture and use this culture to deal with various kinds of current crises or that may occur. Keywords: Resilience, Local Culture, Multicrisis, Tountemboan Tribe


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