Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Applying anthropology to the challenge of engaging men and boys in gender justice
Daniel Guinness

Last modified: 2022-06-06


This presentation draws upon the author's experience as a founder and director of an European organisation that provides gender transformative education to men and boys, primarily as a primary prevention interventions towards gender justice, the elimination of gender based violence and creation of more inclusive, supportive communities. Engaging men and challenging patriarchal gendered norms will be crucial parts of dismantling the varied structures and social attitudes that perpetuate sexisms and violence against women, girls and marginalised genders.This presentation will reflect on the successes, challenges and failures over eight years of trying to apply the perspectives gained as a anthropological researcher, including while adapting materials to different cultural groups, transposing frameworks of intersectionality, privilege and power to new contexts, and balancing the need to understand the emic perspective while challenging it's harmful elements. It discusses research methods, group facilitation, judgement free listening, and theoretical vs practical orientations.

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