Last modified: 2022-06-07
Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) often becomes the victim of violence, intolerance, and discrimination in Indonesia. The destruction of the mosque in Sintang, the expulsion in East Lombok, and even the murder in Cikeusik are just the tip of the iceberg of JAI’s violent experiences. According to research conducted by the SETARA Institute in 2007-2020, JAI was a minority group that experienced the most frequent violations of religious freedom, with 570 cases. As a result, the government has issued several regulations at all levels that aimed to maintain the public orders, from the national to the local scope. Unfortunately, these attempts were ineffective in preventing violence against JAI, as in many situations, the various regulations have triggered violence against JAI. This article intends to discuss the causes of violence against JAI from the religious-anthropology perspective, their relationship to the existing regulations, and the ways to resolve this problem. This article finds at least three causes of violence against JAI, the indoctrination by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and the government that JAI is misguided and misleading, the existence of political interests, and the government and law enforcement officials' failure to prevent a gradual escalation of violence. Furthermore, this article also finds that the three causes are closely related to the abuse of the public order term in the existing regulations that indirectly triggers the violence against JAI. Therefore, there are at least two ways to resolve the problem, first, the government should eliminate any kind of indoctrination from any institutions that JAI is misguided and misleading, the second, the government should legislate a religious harmony act that is similar to The Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act which was enacted in 1990 to provide powers to the government to maintain religious harmony in Singapore.
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