Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Jufrina Mandulangi

Last modified: 2019-09-19


The success of a tourist destination cannot be separated from the role of the local community involved in it. However, sometimes people are only used as spectators, and cannot get benefit from tourism. The success of Bunaken as a National Marine Park, which is known among world diving lovers is inseparable from the role of local communities who support and maintain these tourist destination. The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of norm and obligation-based community empowerment in the development of tourism on Bunaken Island. The case study methods carried out was observation, interviews and documentation directly in the field. The data source is the selected informants in the snowball model. Empirical findings show that community empowerment has developed as good norms that have to be broken down to be part of wisdom, while this is still constrained due to by the lack of knowledge of the local community. Community empowerment is an ongoing process, it is hoped that this will be overcome.


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