Last modified: 2019-09-19
Manuscript type:
Report Paper
Research aims: This study aims to analyze the correlationof physical activity, obesity and smoking habits withtype 2 DM incidencein the work area of Martapura Public Health Center.
Design/ methodology/Approach: This research is a quantitative research using case control design. The population is people who are treated at Martapura Public Health Centeron September until December 2017. The sample as many as 150 sample with 75 type 2DM cases and 75 control subjects were included in this research. Sample was taken by purposive sampling technique.Data were analyzed by univariate with frequency distribution table and bivariate analysis by chi square test.
Research findings: Incidence of Type 2 DM occurs in less physical activity (64%), obesity (56%) and smoking habits (33,3%). Chi-Square test showed there wascorrelation between physical activity (p=0,009;OR=2,523)obesity (p=0,003; OR=2,877) and smokingstatus(p=0,039; OR=2,385)with type 2 DM incident.
Theoretical contributions/Originality: There was correllation between physical activity, obesity, and smoking habit with type 2DM incidentin the work area of Martapura Public Health Center.
Practitioner/Policy Implications:
It is advisable to community and health workersto applying a healthy life behavior to prevent the incidence of type 2 DM
Research limitation:
The number of samples is still small and the number of research variables is limited