Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Facts and Readiness of Souvenir Shops in Implementing the Industrial Revolution 4.0. A Case Study in Manado City
Reny Syafriny, Sangkertadi Sangkertadi, Rahmat Prijadi, Surijadi Supardjo

Last modified: 2019-06-26


Souvenir-shop is one part of the tourism system chain. In the present world tourism sector has implemented the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in various scales and characteristics. Therefore, the souvenir-shops should also have implemented it. Manado city in Indonesia as a coastal tourism city that offers natural landscapes, seascapes and traditions, still needs to be supported by the presence of souvenir-shops. Through this study, it was investigated about souvenir store's readiness in the city of Manado in applying the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in their daily business processes. The method used was the distribution of questionnaires containing questions about the Industrial Revolution 4.0. It contains of the readiness of workers, information promotion systems, data base of goods, online sales interactions, and networking with foreign parties. 10 souvenir shops in Manado city were as objects of this research. In general it can be concluded that most of the shops did not properly implement the Industrial Revolution 4.0. They need a kind of guidance and assistance from the government so that they could better prepare to implement the Industrial Revolution 4.0 in order to improve the quality of their business.


Keywords : Tourism, Manado, Informatics, Souvenir-shop