Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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The Form of Taxonomy of Minahasan Traditional Food
Rina Palisuan Pamantung

Last modified: 2019-06-28


Food is regarded as important aspects of indigenous culture of Minahasa when viewed from various Minahasa cultural relics that still survive today. Empirical evidence shows that there is an ambiguity (overlap) on the appearance of the name of  typical food between  the party menu which still contains the original culture of Minahasa like Endo wangko  or "Pengucapan" with  commercialized food  menu as  as a restaurant menu, inn  or hotel, and vendor menu. The method used is qualitative method through an ethnographic approach  at the level of descriptive synchronic linguistics. Classification of  Minahasan food (taxonomy) consists of kan ‘the rice', sende’en 'vegetables', and serza 'protein' summarized into food labels linulut  and non-linulut. A series of components of meaning as a factor influencing parameters the appearance of Minahasan traditional food , namely 1) foodstuffs, 2) how to cook, 3) the location of manufacture of food, 4) the background of the use of local language in Minahasa, 5) the history of the arrival of ethnic and language in Minahasa, and 6) human. Aspects of food  name are categorized in a single lexeme or mono lexeme, affixed single lexeme, lexeme blend consisting of two lexeme, and multi lexeme as a phrase consisting of three or more lexeme and clauses. The lexeme form of the name of  Minahasan traditional food comprising monolexeme, namely pangi and sa'ut , meanwhile, the lexeme blend, i.e woku daong, sayor pait, and rica rodo.



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