Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Erwin Wantasen, Sintya J.K Umboh, Eusebius K.M Endoh

Last modified: 2019-09-19




The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the pattern of maintenance and the level of application of biosecurity by broiler breeders to different types of topography in North Sulawesi Province. The research location was Minahasa Regency representing the highlands and North Minahasa District representing the lowland region. The scale of raise of broilers in the two study areas consisted of small scale (<5000 birds), medium scale (> 5000 - 10000 birds) and large scale (> 10000 heads) for each production period. At each scale, 5 farmers were taken as respondents so that the total sample of respondents was 30 farmers. Data was obtained using a list of questions through interviews with farmers and observation at the farm location. Then the data was analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The results showed that broilers in the lowlands generally maintained for 4-5 weeks with an average weight of 1.2 - 1.3 kg / head while broilers raised by farmers in the highlands had a body weight of 1.4 - 1.7 kg / head. Raise of broilers on a small scale business uses an all in - all out system with family workers,  while medium and large scale farmers in both topographic areas use a pattern of maintenance and marketing  gradually using special labor. The technical performance of broilers raised in the lowlands on a large scale of business provided the highest broiler index (1.89) while broiler chickens raised by farmers  on a small business scale giving the best performance with a relatively higher broiler index value (1.74) compared with a larger scale of business. As many as 100% of farmers in the low-lying areas on a large scale already have health programs under the supervision of veterinarians and 60% of large-scale farmers in the highlands do the same. In both research areas showed that broiler farmers on the three scales made an effort to prevent the risk by burning and burying dead chickens with a percentage of 60-100%. However, only 30.33% - 53.36% of farmers at all ownership scales in the two regions have SOPs  to carry out activities in the area.

Keywords: Raise patterns, breeders ability, broiler chickens

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