Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education

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Ferro Lensun SFL

Last modified: 2019-06-26




In this study, the authors examined compound words consisting of two content morphemes, namely noun + noun. In the noun fusion in Japanese there is a morphophonemic process. The term morphophonemic in Japanese is called keitai-on’inron (形態 音韻 論). morphophonemic, also called morphonemic, morphophonology, or morphonology, or the event of morphemic changes in a morphological process. morphophonemic is a branch of linguistics that studies phoneme changes in a morphological process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, which is data about compound words in Japanese (gouseigo) analyzed and presented according to the circumstances or phenomena that exist as they are. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by collecting data and information sourced from library books that were related to gouseigo. This study aims to identify phoneme changes in the process of gouseigo formation. In this study the data were analyzed by identifying vocabulary in the form of gouseigo, making a list of gouseigo, interpreting the data according to the theory, then discussing the results of data processing. Based on the results of this study, it is expected that it can be useful for learners of Japanese language in order to understand and form Japanese compound words appropriately. The results showed the formation of Japanese compound words (gouseigo) can be grouped into: (1) meishi + meishi, (2) meishi + doushi, (3) doushi + meishi, (4) doushi + doushi. Gouseigo vocabulary can be categorized according to the onso changes that occur in the process of forming the word. The following is a list of onso changes that occur in the process of gouseigo formation.

a. onso / k / / g /

b. onso / h / / b /

c. onso / f / / b /

d. onso / t / / d /

e. onso / s /, / ts // / z /

f. onso / ch / / j /

g. onso / sh / / j /

h. onso / e / / a /

i. onso / s appearance

j. consonant cluster


Keywords: morphophonemic, phoneme changes, gouseigo


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